Thursday, December 13, 2012

12E AS Biology Cover Work P6 (Wed 12 Dec 2012) - arden absence

Please see Ms. Francis to register your attendance.

Create revision notes on the following Specification references:
1. Explain, in terms of water potential, the movement of water between plant cells, & between plant cells & their environment.
2. Describe, with the aid of diagrams, the pathway by which water is transported from the root cortex to the air surrounding the leaves, with reference to the Casparian strip, apoplast pathway, symplast pathway, xylem & the stomata.
3. Explain the mechanism by which water is transported from the root cortex to the air surrounding the leaves, with reference to adhesion, cohesion & the transpiration stream.

Please bring these revision notes to Monday's lesson.

For homework:
1. Revise "Transpiration" & "Translocation", ensuring you're prepared to discuss these topics in class.
2. Complete at least 5 questions from the Revision Booklet (available in AR007 if you did not receive one on Monday) & bring this to Monday's lesson.

Kind regards,

Mr Dabestani


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