Thursday, February 28, 2013

Is Winter Over? These Fresh Veggies Say Yes at The ...

It?s over 50 degrees and it?s making us want to weep in sheer joy for the fact that it might be spring soon. We (and you) could list all of the reasons why spring and then summer are awesome, but here?s one right now: Neighborhood Foods, a West Philly-based urban farm, is bringing back its CSA program. (Attn. peple who don?t know anything: ?CSA? stands for Community Supported Agriculture; in the standard CSA program, you pay the farmer/organization a flat fee at the beginning of the season and you get a box of fresh produce every week.) Neighborhood Farms have added a Philly twist on the program by collaborating with other local producers such as La Colombe coffee, Four Worlds bread, Green Aisle jam and Philadelphia-produced honey. The program runs from May 24th to October 25th. Pick up points are located across the city. You can sign up and check out the produce here.


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Green Blog: A Pep Talk on Energy Innovation

In what might prove to be his last public appearance as energy secretary, Steven Chu delivered a pep talk of sorts on Wednesday to hundreds of entrepreneurs, researchers and others at the ARPA-E conference on energy innovation in suburban Maryland.

Toward the outset, Dr. Chu, a key creator of ARPA-E, which stands for the Advanced Research Projects Agency ? Energy, ticked off a list of historical predictions about new technology that turned out to be wrong.

Among them was one by the head of the British post office in 1878, two years after Alexander Graham Bell received a patent on the telephone. ?The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not,? the postal official reportedly said. ?We have plenty of messenger boys.??

Dr. Chu declared that entrepreneurs, engineers, bankers and others would have to push hard for new technologies, even if the goals seem highly ambitious. For now, he noted, many in those ranks have opted not to devote a lot of money to technology that could limit emissions of climate-changing gases.

?That is a false choice,?? Dr. Chu said. The goal should rather be to strive for for innovation, like an electric car that is cost-competitive with a gasoline model, or a better way to make electricity, he said.

He quoted the old aphorism that the Stone Age did not end for lack of stone, but because something better was available.

Earlier Wednesday morning, the audience heard from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York, who said said he was tempted to talk about his research into ?near isothermal compressed air energy storage.?? He then paused, and the audience waited with apparent interest.

?I thought that was funny, guys,?? Mr. Bloomberg said.

The audience, many of whose members are normally eager to hear about all such research, chuckled and then listened to the mayor?s presentation on New York City?s efforts to prepare for climate change, a growing population, aging infrastructure and other challenges.

Dr. Chu, a Nobel physics laureate who plans to return to his research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., said he hoped that it would turn out that he hired the right people in his tenure as energy secretary. He said he had tried to involve himself in hiring down to the level of program manager, ?seven or eight levels down,?? in the hope of achieving optimal results.
He exhorted the audience in particular to find energy solutions to climate change. The alternative, Dr. Chu said, is that future generations will live in a wrecked climate and wonder: ?What were our parents thinking? Didn?t they care about us??

That brought a sustained standing ovation.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Not-so-golden years: Over 75, burdened by debt

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Some people over age 75 appear to be struggling more with debt.

By Allison Linn, TODAY

The golden years are supposed to be a time when you can live off the wealth you?ve accumulated over a lifetime, not feel like you have to take on more debt to make ends meet.

But a new batch of research shows that Americans ages 75 and over appear to have grown more burdened by debt in recent years, and experts say a likely culprit is medical expenses.

A new analysis of government data, released earlier this month by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, found that between 2007 and 2010 people who are 75 and older were more likely to have debt, and their average debt levels increased significantly.

That?s in stark contrast to other older Americans in their 50s and 60s, who generally saw debt levels stabilize during that period.

In general, the good news is that people ages 75 and older are much less likely to have debt, and generally carry far less debt, than other older Americans. But Craig Copeland, a senior research associate with EBRI and the report?s author, said it was still troubling to see that the trend for that group was toward increasing, rather than decreasing, debt burdens.

?It really looked like something wasn?t going well for them,? Copeland said.

He suspects that many Americans who are 75 and older have few options but to take on debt when a big unexpected expense arises, because many are living on fixed retirement incomes and don?t work. That means they can?t, say, work a few extra hours or take on a second job if they need to pay for something.

That unexpected expense may be health-related. Although most older Americans are covered by Medicare, Copeland noted that many are still on the hook for co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses.

That means a person with a limited income can have their finances thrown into disarray by one unexpected event, such as a broken hip that requires significant co-pays or the sudden need for a very expensive prescription that isn?t fully covered.

?In a lot of cases it seems to be that health care is a particularly vexing issue,? he said.

The percentage of people 75 and above who had debt grew from 31.2 percent in 2007, the year the nation went into recession, to 38.5 percent in 2010, a year after the recession officially ended, according to the EBRI?s analysis of Census data. The average amount of debt for those with debt also more than doubled, from $13,665 in 2007 to $27,409 in 2010.

The debt loads were far greater for people in their 50s and 60s, but the trend lines were far less troubling. The percentage of people ages 55 to 64 who held debt fell from 81.7 percent to 77.6 percent. For people ages 65 to 74, the percentage holding debt held steady at about 65 percent.

The average debt for 55- to 64-year-old debtholders fell from $112,075 in 2007 to $107,060 in 2010. For people ages 65 to 74, average debt fell from $72,922 in 2007 to $70,875 in 2010.

It makes sense for younger people to have more debt because they are still paying off big expenses, like houses, and they also are more likely to be bringing home a paycheck. By the time you reach your mid-70s, many would expect to have paid off the house and retired from regular work.

For people 75 and older, Copeland said his research showed that both median credit card and housing debt increased for those who had those types of debt.

Lucia Dunn, an economist at The Ohio State University, said her more recent research also has shown that older Americans have been taking on more credit card debt in recent years. She also suspects that unexpected medical expenses are a key problem for that group.

But in general, she said the really troubling finding she?s seeing is that younger Americans appear to be taking on more debt than previous generations, and paying it off at slower rates.

That could mean that today?s young people have even bigger problems than their parents and grandparents when they reach age 75 and older.

?The elderly are taking it in (but) not as fast as the younger ones,? she said. ?The really young cohorts are really digging a hole for themselves.?


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Pediatricians oppose school suspension, expulsion

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A group representing pediatricians says disciplining students with out-of-school suspension or expulsion is counterproductive to school goals and should only be used on case by case basis.

The policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that pediatricians familiarize themselves with the policies of their local school districts, and advocate for prevention and alternative strategies.

"The adverse effect of out-of-school suspension and expulsion on the student can be profound," the experts write in the journal Pediatrics on Monday.

"Data suggest that students who are involved in the juvenile justice system are likely to have been suspended or expelled. Further, students who experience out-of-school suspension and expulsion are as much as 10 times more likely to ultimately drop out of high school than are those who do not," they add.

Kathy Cowan, director of communications for the National Association of School Psychologists in Bethesda, Maryland, said their organization largely supports the AAP's statements.

"Sometimes (out-of-school suspension and expulsion) are absolutely necessary, but they're not effective at improving behavior in general," Cowan told Reuters Health.

The AAP says students who are punished with out-of-school suspension and expulsion may be left without supervision during the day and engage in more inappropriate behavior.

The experts also say out-of-school suspension and expulsion does not deal with possible underlying issues, such as drug abuse, racial tension, violence and bullying.

In addition to the costs incurred by the school district from disciplinary hearings and providing services for the child, the pediatricians say there is also a cost to society.

"A high-school dropout will earn $400,000 less over a lifetime than a high school graduate. The dropout will pay $60,000 less in taxes," they write.

To prevent out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, the pediatricians suggest developing early interventions for preschool children, early identification of children who may have problems in school and clear codes of conduct.

Specifically, they recommend a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support program as a preventive, alternative, tool that teaches proper behavior on a school-wide level and that addresses problems with groups and individual students as well.

The AAP also called on Pediatricians to screen for and recognize behavioral problems in early childhood, to be in communication with the school's nurse or counselor, to be involved with special accommodations for certain students and to be appropriately compensated for their involvement.

Cowan said the AAP should be applauded for their efforts.

"Pediatricians are such an important voice on these issues, because parents trust the pediatricians and they're the ones seeing kids," she said.

Dr. Jeffrey Lamont, the policy statement's lead author, could not be reached for comment before deadline.

(This story has been refiled to say Dr. Lamont could not be reached for comment before deadline in final paragraph)

SOURCE: Pediatrics, online February 25, 2013.


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Former Romney Strategist 'Obsessive' About Twitter, But Warns Technology Is Not The GOP's Panacea

ABC News' Michael Falcone reports:

It's not over yet. The 2012 presidential campaign, that is. At least not if you ask Mitt Romney's former top strategist, Stuart Stevens, who has been writing and talking a lot about blame lately.

"There seems to be a desire to blame Republicans' electoral difficulties and the Romney campaign's loss on technological failings," Stevens wrote in an Op-Ed in the Washington Post on Monday. "I wish this were the problem, because it would be relatively easy to fix. But it's not."

Stevens went onto argue that it was a generation and message gap that ailed the GOP last year and ultimately paved the way for President Obama's victory over Romney. The Democrats' superior technology - and Republicans' weaknesses in this area - was only part of the problem, he wrote.

Stevens, who along with a handful of other strategists helped guide the Romney campaign throughout the election ccyle, has been re-litigating the campaign in Op-Eds as well as in interviews, like his recent conversation with ABC's Jonathan Karl on "This Week" and another one with CNN's Howard Kurtz, host of "Reliable Sources."

Of Romney's loss last November, Stevens told Kurtz that he takes "full responsibility."

"Just blame me," he said in an interview that aired on Sunday. "That's fine. And let's move on."

But Stevens did reserve some criticism for the new social media environment - exemplified by Twitter - that he says has led to a strained relationship between political operatives and the press. Reporters, he said, "need a news story every two hours, and that's a great pressure."

"It creates, I think, an environment that is very conducive to the creation of news, the invention of news," he added.

As for Twitter, Stevens acknowledged that he has an account (which he he checks "obsessively") but he does not tweet himself. "It's a great thing and it's a very dangerous thing," he said.

And in an interview with ABC's Jonathan Karl earlier this month, he underscored his analysis in Monday's Washington Post Op-Ed that technology is only part of the prescription for his party.

"It would be a great mistake if we felt that technology in itself is going to save the Republican Party," he told Karl in an interview on Feb. 17. "Technology is something to a large degree you can go out and purchase, and if we think there's an off the shelf solution that you can with the Republican Party it's wrong."

Even so, Republicans have dispatched national party chairman Reince Priebus to California this week to tackle the GOP's technology gap with Democrats. According to Roll Call's David Drucker, Priebus plans to visit the San Francisco Bay Area, meeting with technology executives as well as representatives from Facebook. He will also reportedly head to Seattle for meetings aimed at improving Republicans' early voting efforts.

And we're about to get a chance to hear from Romney, himself, about what went wrong in 2012 - and where the GOP should go from here. The former Massachusetts governor and his wife, Ann, are set to appear on "Fox News Sunday" next weekend. It will be the former Republican presidential hopeful's first major interview since the election. One week later, he is scheduled to address the annual Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington, DC.

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How dangerous are near-Earth asteroids? 5 key questions answered.

On Feb. 15, asteroid 2012 DA14, discovered a year ago, cleared Earth by a scant 17,200 miles. The same day, a smaller, unrelated asteroid that no one saw coming exploded 12 to 15 miles above Russia?s Chelyabinsk region. The shock wave shattered windows, injuring more than 1,000 people. Events that day highlight the risk that near-Earth objects (NEOs) can pose ? although to some extent, humans can counter them.

- Pete Spotts,?Staff writer

This image shows a simulation of asteroid 2012 DA14 approaching from the south as it passes through the Earth-moon system, last Friday. (JPL-Caltech/NASA/AP)

1. What are near-Earth objects, and how big are they?

NEOs are asteroids and comets whose orbits bring them close to Earth. They range in size from about three feet to several miles across. The asteroid or comet that punched a 110-mile-wide crater in the Yucat?n Peninsula 65 million years ago, doing in the dinosaurs, has been estimated at six miles across.

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OPTiM outs wireless smartphone-to-smartphone screen sharing and remote control app for Android

OPTiM outs wireless smartphonetosmartphone screen sharing and remote control app for Android

One of the more notable features of BlackBerry 10 is built-in screensharing, but here in Barcelona at MWC 2013, OPTiM has just one-upped Waterloo with a new app for Android. It not only lets users share screens, but it also allows them to remotely control devices over WiFi. Called Optia for Android, it works with handsets running Android 2.3 and up, and has a built-in chat function for facilitating communication while screensharing. Naturally, the app's a boon to IT pros who manage devices from afar, but it should also prove useful for helping you teach mom and dad how to use the fancy new smartphones you got them for Christmas. The app's currently free from Google Play, though only for a limited time. Head on past the break for a video of Optia in action, and you can grab the app at the source link below.

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Source: Google Play Store


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Japan PM Abe keeps ratings high as he pushes reflation steps

TOKYO (Reuters) - Voter support for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe rose to 70 percent or more in two weekend opinion polls, signaling that his drastic economic policies are winning backing and giving him a shot at becoming a rare long-term leader.

Abe, who took office in December after his conservative Liberal Democratic Party's massive election win, has promised to beat deflation and revive the long-stagnant economy with a mix of hyper-easy monetary policy and big fiscal spending.

Abe, just back from a summit in Washington with U.S. President Barack Obama, is set to nominate Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda, a supporter of his aggressive monetary easing stance, as the next Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor, sources said on Monday.

Seventy percent of voters backed Abe in a survey by the Nikkei business daily, up two percentage points, while Kyodo news agency put his rating at 72.8 percent, up 6.1 points. Fifty-eight percent in the Nikkei survey agreed the next BOJ governor should be a proponent of drastic monetary easing.

The consistent high levels of support are rare for a Japanese leader, whose ratings often start high but then sink. That fate befell Abe during his troubled 2006-2007 first term.

Abe is Japan's seventh premier since popular Junichiro Koizumi ended a rare five-year term in 2006.

Abe's LDP and its junior partner have a huge majority in parliament's lower house but need to win a majority in a July upper house election to cement their hold on power.

The Nikkei survey showed that 48 percent of voters were in favor of Japan joining talks on a U.S.-led trade pact, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), while 33 percent were opposed.

Abe could announce a decision to join the TPP negotiations -- staunchly opposed by Japan's powerful farm lobby -- as early as this week, media said.

(Reporting by Linda Sieg; Editing by Paul Tait)


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Gold And Silver - The Market Oracle

Global Financial and Commodity Markets 2013

Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013 Feb 24, 2013 - 01:21 PM GMT

By: Michael_Noonan


Developing market activity is the best and most reliable source for market information. All you have to do is follow what the activity is saying, and you will have the clearest idea of where the market is headed. For the near term, of heightened concern for many, the market says the current decline is far from over. Price may not be far from the low of the decline, but the trend is down, and it takes time to turn a trend around, so do not expect to see a dramatic rise in the price of either gold or silver.

Our downside target of $1600 gold has been exceeded, while the $28 target for silver has not been met, although in horseshoes, it would be a leaner. [See Decline Not Over, 1st and 3rd charts, click on]. Next week, who knows?

The biggest advantage in letting the market speak loudest is that all one need do is follow its path, for it always leads to a logical conclusion. The conclusion may not fit with one's hopes or expectations, many times, but the market never misleads in its intent. It is not always easy to read, occasionally, so during those times, it is best to do nothing until a clearer direction becomes more discernible.

This week, the silver charts lead because we see them as more telling than gold. The monthly is our starting point. It will become apparent why silver warrants more focus when compared to gold as you view the respective charts.

We continue to mention the bullish spacing because it puts the metals into an important context from a larger perspective, and the spacing lets us know that silver and gold remain in uptrends with gold net stronger, but just not for the near term. A look at the monthly gold chart will make that perfectly clear.

This does not mean gold/silver will not still go lower. For now, developing market activity continues to point in that direction. Prices may be at or near a low, but we see no ending action that says one has been reached.

There is a very positive development in silver, even after last week's sharp decline. An important change in behavior occurred in August 2012 when silver rallied out of the doldrums for two strong months, "2" on the chart. What is somewhat impressive about the current decline is how it has been labored relative to the two month rally in mid-2012. After 4+ months, [it says 5* on the charts, the * signifying the 5th month is not over, and no one knows where it will end], that breakout area is still holding.

Compare the two strong rally bars with the 5 overlapping decline bars. They tells us sellers are expending a lot more effort to drive price down to the starting level where buyers took over last August.

It could be that February will continue to fall and go under the 26 level, we do not know. All we can do is look at what is known, to date, and draw some conclusions. Seeing more detail in the weekly and daily charts may help.

When you compare the weekly gold chart to silver, you will see how gold is weaker for the near term. We do not follow any fundamentals, but it could well be that the underlying supply/demand factors for silver, with its industrial use, are far more important than viewing silver as a poor man's gold substitute as a store of wealth. Similar usage demands do not exist for gold.

Price remains in a down channel, just it is slightly under, and it is also near the breakout level from August 2012, both concurrently offering potential support in this negative market.

An explanation is provided in the left corner of the chart concerning the dashed portion of the lines. They extend from 3 and 2, respectively, at the point in time just after swing high 3 is known. How price reacts to these lines provides important market information.

In the previous article, Decline Not Over,, also on the third chart we commented how price failed to reach the upper channel line, see arrows below, and maybe head back toward $28? This is how one pays attention to the market's message in order to avoid surprises or be on the wrong side.

One reason why we say silver may be at/near a low point is the climatic volume, three days ago, which also drove price under the lower channel oversold line. Markets often end in excess, and sharply higher volume always warrants attention for it almost always entails a transfer of risk from weak into strong hands. Smart money buys bottoms, and they show their hand by increased volume.

The volume from last Wednesday is mostly all short-covering. Net new buying usually comes in after a bottom is confirmed, and that is a caveat for acknowledging that price can still go lower, maybe not by much, but sill lower, to whatever degree. There has been no indication of confirmed ending action, yet.

The last two trading days have much smaller ranges and overlapping bars. The market is telling us there was zero downside follow-through after Wednesday, and overlapping bars reflect a balance between buyers and sellers at a point where sellers have been in total control. These are littler messages, and they need confirmation before acting on them.

It is interesting to note how price stopped just above the $28 support. Why? Why not just crush buyers even more, while sellers have so much control? The questions address what we implied above, are sellers still in total control?

For different reasons, as explained so may times before, buy physical silver, especially at these lower levels. As to futures, stay away from the long side. Picking bottoms is one of the surest ways of losing money. Better to just give your broker a big check and make at least one person happy. You also limit your "loss" to the size of the check.

The trend is down. Consistent money is not made trading against the trend. Period.

The monthly gold chart screams bull market! The bullish spacing is huge. As a reminder, bullish spacing exists when the current swing low remains above the last swing high, and we have drawn heavy lines for each. When smart money is so positive on a market, there is no waiting to see how the last swing high will be retested. The urgency to buy is so strong that a "space" is left behind, and it says how strong is the buyers' conviction to the long side.

Context is important. Price could break the $1520+ lows and gold would still be in a very strong uptrending market. It will simply take more time to overcome resistance from the $1900 highs established in September 2011.

An important point to keep in mind: the market does not care about your timetable. In fact, it does not even know what your expectations are. All it does is provide price and volume information. It is otherwise neutral. How you choose to respond to the flow of information is up to you. For now, it is telling everyone that it will be some time before an uptrend resumes.

Here is where you can see how gold is weaker relative to silver. We placed a box around the four-month activity that is acting as a buffer to the current price decline, in addition to the previous occasions when this level held, forming strong support.

This is our read of what the market is saying, right now. Focus on the last two weekly bars. The last one is just slightly smaller than the second one, but the volume was greater. The energy behind a price move is volume. When you see greater volume but with a bar that is smaller than the previous one, it is saying buyers were entering and meeting the effort of sellers. This is what prevented the range of the last bar from extending lower. It is a small "tell," as it were, but worth noting.

We think there are no accidents in the market, which is why we pointed to the wide range up bar from August. It began an important rally, and gold's decline just happened to stop at that level. Were gold to continue lower next week and erase that support, then that low would lose its potential significance. Everything must be confirmed by subsequent action.

Observing the second and third bars from the end, the high volume on the third bar shows buyers were present, based on the location of the close, off the lows. The second to last bar made a new low, just barely, but closed on the high of the range and above the previous day's close, telling us buyers won the battle that day. This is another indication of buyers overcoming effort of sellers at a point where sellers are supposed to be in total control.

This may not turn the tide yet, but there is some evidence that buyers are making a show not seen in the past several trading days. As to the last bar, it was lower on the day, but not very deep into the last two days' lows, and that says a weak effort from sellers.

Buy physical gold, without blinking. Stay away from the long side of futures. Only some unexpected surprise can turn these markets around on a dime, and anything can happen, but barring that, it takes time for a trend to turn, and without evidence that the lows for this down swing are confirmed, gold and silver have a lot of work to do.

By Michael Noonan

Michael Noonan,, is a Chicago-based trader with over 30 years in the business. His sole approach to analysis is derived from developing market pattern behavior, found in the form of Price, Volume, and Time, and it is generated from the best source possible, the market itself.

? 2013 Copyright Michael Noonan - All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

? 2005-2013 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Microsoft says small number of its computers hacked

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp said on Friday a small number of its computers, including some in its Mac software business unit, were infected with malware, but there was no evidence of customer data being affected and it is continuing its investigation.

The world's largest software company said the security intrusion was "similar" to recent ones reported by Apple Inc and Facebook Inc.

The incident, reported on one of the company's public blogs happened "recently", but Microsoft said it chose not to make any statement publicly while it gathered information about the attack.

"This type of cyberattack is no surprise to Microsoft and other companies that must grapple with determined and persistent adversaries," said Matt Thomlinson, general manager of Trustworthy Computing Security at Microsoft, in the company's blog post.

Over the past week or so, both Apple and Facebook said computers used by employees were attacked after visiting a software developer website infected with malicious software.

The attacks come at a time of broader concern about computer security.

Newspaper websites, including those of The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, have been infiltrated recently. Earlier this month U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order seeking better protection of the country's critical infrastructure from cyber attacks.

(Reporting By Bill Rigby; Editing by Gary Hill and Andrew Hay)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2013. Check for restrictions at:

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Research suggests malaria can be defeated without a globally led eradication program

Research suggests malaria can be defeated without a globally led eradication program

Friday, February 22, 2013

Malaria does not have to be eradicated globally for individual countries to succeed at maintaining elimination of the disease, according to research from the University of Florida's Emerging Pathogens Institute and department of geography, to be published in the journal Science Feb. 22.

Researchers Andrew Tatem and Christina Chiyaka found that those countries that have eliminated malaria have maintained their malaria-free states with remarkable stability, going against traditional theory. Between 1945 and 2010, 79 countries eliminated malaria and 75, or 95 percent, remained malaria-free, shrinking the geographic range of the disease, the researchers said.

For the 99 countries with endemic malaria today, the research by Tatem and his colleagues has important implications for tackling the problem. The elimination of malaria may be less costly to achieve and maintain than previously thought, Tatem said.

"Traditional theory suggests that we have to get rid of malaria completely, all across the world, all at around the same time, to keep new cases from being imported and starting outbreaks in elimination countries all over again," said Tatem, who conducted the research at UF and now is a professor at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom. Chiyaka also has moved to the United Kingdom with her family.

The researchers found, however, that malaria elimination may be a 'sticky state,' meaning that once elimination is achieved, resurgence becomes a rare event.

"For instance, the United States imports 1,500 cases of malaria per year but has seen very few local outbreaks resulting from these, despite still having mosquitoes capable of spreading malaria," Tatem said. "The United States doesn't have active control measures in place, but does have a well-functioning detection system in place to take care of it."

Tatem said that many factors, working in combination, have likely contributed to the stability of malaria elimination seen in many countries. These include urbanization, which creates environments that are unfavorable for malaria-spreading mosquitoes; improvements in surveillance within health systems to ensure that imported cases are treated promptly and any local outbreaks are controlled early; and travel patterns, with travelers who bring in infections from elsewhere rarely ending up in rural areas where mosquito densities are highest, thus reducing the likelihood of onward spread.

Malaria has long been a global health issue. In 1955, the World Health Organization launched an eradication campaign that eliminated the disease in many temperate and subtropical regions but did not achieve worldwide eradication. The program was scrapped after less than two decades in favor of controlling malaria. However, WHO attributed about 660,000 deaths to the disease in 2010, mostly African children.


University of Florida:

Thanks to University of Florida for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 49 time(s).


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Boeing proposing long-term fix for 787 batteries

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Boeing is proposing a long-term fix for the 787 Dreamliner's troubled batteries that will keep them grounded until April at the earliest, congressional officials said Friday.

A Boeing Commercial Airplanes team led by CEO Ray Conner was scheduled to present the plan in a meeting Friday with Michael Huerta, head of the Federal Aviation Administration. The airliners, Boeing's newest and most technologically advanced, have not been allowed to fly since mid-January following a battery fire in one plane and a smoking battery in another.

The plan calls for revamping the aircraft's two kinds of lithium ion batteries to ensure that any short-circuiting that could lead to a fire won't spread from one battery cell to the others, officials said. That would be achieved by placing more robust ceramic insulation between each of the battery's eight cells. The aim is to contain not only the short-circuiting, but any thermal runaway, a chemical reaction that leads to progressively hotter temperatures.

The additional spacers will enlarge the battery, requiring a bigger battery box to hold the eight cells. That new box would also be more robust, with greater insulation along its sides to prevent any fire from escaping, officials said.

The plan will require testing and partially recertifying the safety of the plane's batteries, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly.

The testing and recertification will take time, with engineers currently estimating completion sometime in April, they said.

It's up to Huerta to decide whether to approve the plan. But Boeing's plan is not a surprise, since the company has kept regulators closely informed, the officials said.

Boeing, the FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board still have not identified the root cause of a Jan. 7 fire that erupted in an auxiliary power unit battery of a Japan Airlines 787 about a half hour after the plane landed at Boston's Logan International Airport. The safety board is investigating that incident.

Engineers and battery experts gathered by Boeing developed a list of possible causes for the fire and a plan to modify the batteries to address the spread of a fire created by any of those causes, officials said.

After the Jan. 7 fire and an emergency landing by an All Nippon Airways 787 in Japan, the FAA and aviation authorities overseas ordered the planes grounded. There are a total of 50 of the planes in the fleets of seven airlines in six countries.

On Thursday, United Airlines cut its six 787s from its flying plans at least until June and postponed its new Denver-to-Tokyo flights as airlines continued to tear up their schedules while the plane is out of service. United is the only U.S. carrier with 787s in its fleet.

Among the many unanswered questions is how the 787 battery problems will affect Boeing's effort to win FAA permission for the planes to make flights that venture further from the nearest airport, such as those that travel over wide expanses of ocean. The FAA has tighter requirements for such flights in twin-engine planes because it wants to make sure the plane can keep flying if it loses an engine or encounters other problems far away from a safe landing.

Until it was grounded, the 787 could fly up to three hours away from the nearest airport. That's far enough for flights between the U.S. and Europe and some flights over the Arctic, for instance. But Boeing wants permission for flights up to 5.5 hours from the nearest airport. Its 777 is already certified for such flights.

Boeing said last month that it was close to submitting a plan for those longer flights.


Freed reported from Minneapolis.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Man sues parents for not loving him enough

By Checkey Beckford,

A 32-year-old Brooklyn man is suing his parents, claiming he wasn't loved enough by them and that their neglect has caused him to be homeless and jobless.

Bernard Bey filed a self-written lawsuit in Brooklyn court earlier this month, accusing his parents of causing him mental anguish and for making him feel "unloved and beaten by the world."

"If you have kids, you're expected to love your children," Bey told NBC 4 New York. "You want the best for your children."

Bey claimed he was physically and emotionally abused and ran away from home when he was 12, and then was in and out of the shelter system after turning 16.

He's spent time in jail and is now homeless, and he believes his parents are at the root of his problems.

Bey is asking the court for more than $200,000 in damages. He wants his parents to mortgage their family home and purchase two franchises like Domino's Pizza.

"I feel like my parents should want the best for their children and grandchildren so we have something to pass down for generations so we don't have to live like this," he said.

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Bey's parents, who live in public housing, said they're not in a position to give up any money. His stepfather named in the suit, Bernard Manley, had some choice unprintable words and maintained Bey is not his biological son.

Bey said he is willing to drop the lawsuit if his family will simply sit down at the dinner table with him.

"Let's work together, and definitely, I'll drop the suit," he said.


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Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean Firmware Leaked For Samsung Galaxy S3, Official Update Likely After Galaxy S4 Release; How To Install [Tutorial]

SamMobile came up with a report saying it had leaked the Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean test firmware I9300XXUFMB3 for the Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) with the help of XDA-Developers forum member Saturn, who had provided ?the dump files from his device.?

In addition, the report interestingly stated that while Samsung is still testing the Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean, the official final release of the firmware update for the Galaxy S3 could be expected after the launch of the next-generation Galaxy S smartphone, aka the Galaxy S4.

In terms of the Samsung Galaxy S4 release date, a March 14 event in New York is being highly rumored. However, a recent report has brought in a twist in the tale saying the device might be delayed due to issues with the eight-core Exynos Octa processor.

When it comes to the leaked Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean firmware in question, it?s available for download. Here?s a list of key enhancements in the Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean firmware I9300XXUFMB3, provided by SamMobile:

- Android 4.2.1 ? JOP40D

- Improved Ripple effect on Lockscreen

- New Android 4.2.1 Lockscreen with widgets

- Daydream (Settings>Display)

- New Additions in Notification Center

- Notifications are more actionable

- Voice Command (Let?s you control various parts of the phone using voice commands)

According to a report?from Ars Technica, the implementation of the voice command feature will be interesting to see ?considering the handset already uses its native S-voice.?

?There also seems to be new additions to the Notifications center, though we're not too keen on the implementation as seen in the screenshot above because it appears bloated with icons and options. Fortunately, it looks like it will live beyond a second screen in the Notifications shade,? the report added.

Based on the screenshots, provided by SamMobile, the first look of the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean seems more like the TouchWiz on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean currently. However, the inclusion of the lockscreen widgets will likely give the oomph!

While all the new features from Android 4.2 are apparently included, the only exception seems to be the Photo Sphere feature. The quick settings panel has also been overhauled with TouchWiz, looking handier than stock Android, Android Community reported.

?All those toggles should really come in handy ? and keep the regular notification pulldown bar clear for those expanding notifications,? said the report.

How To Install

The steps for installing Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean I9300XXUFMB3 on the Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) are given below. But before trying out the tutorial there are some aspects that must be noted:

- Proper backups must be taken for personal data, apps and settings

- The phone must have at least 80 percent of battery power

- The firmware will increase the device?s binary counter

- The firmware will change the device status to modified

- The firmware does not have any modem; therefore the Modem being used before flashing the firmware will remain

- The firmware is a pre-release version, not official from Samsung Kies

- Being a pre-release version, the firmware will likely have some minor bugs

It must be kept in mind that this tutorial is only for Samsung Galaxy S3, model number GT- I9300. In addition, the users must proceed at their own risk. IBTimes cannot be held responsible for anything that goes wrong.

Let?s get started!

Step 1: Download and unzip the file.

Step 2: Open Odin 3.04 (included in the firmware package).

Step 3: Power off Galaxy S3 and put it on the Download Mode. To do this, press and hold the Volume Down and Home buttons while pressing the Power button until the Samsung Galaxy logo appears on the screen.

Step 4: Connect phone to the computer and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin.

Step 5: Add I9300XXUFMB3_I9300OJKFMB3_HOME.tar.md5 to PDA.

Step 6: Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked.

Step 7: Start flash and wait a few minutes.

Step 8: If you encounter any issues with the firmware boot into recovery mode (Home + power + volume up).

Step 9: Choose to wipe/ factory reset.

Step 10: Choose reboot.

[Source: SamMobile]


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Rove: Will someone tell Woodward that I?m not in Washington?

posted at 1:21 pm on February 21, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

It?s been a tough week in public relations for Karl Rove. First, the Tea Party Patriots objected to Rove?s criticism of extreme rhetoric from grassroots organizations by, er, putting him in a Nazi uniform in an e-mail ? for which they apologized, but not before making Rove?s case.? At nearly the same time, Bob Woodward painted Rove?s efforts to find prepared Republican candidates as an attempt to create an establishment ?politburo? within the GOP, which Rove angrily denounced on Fox?s Hannity last night:

Karl Rove is defending his new super PAC?s intention to get involved in primaries, and criticized Bob Woodward?s assertion that he was creating a ?politburo.?

?[Bob] Woodward goes on Fox News Sunday and calls me a member of the Politburo,? Rove said on Fox News? ?Hannity.? ?The last time I checked the Politburo was the ruling body of the Soviet Communist party and oversaw the extermination of tens of millions of people and during the Cold War threatened the United States with nuclear annihilation and just because Woodward is a center-left journalist, he can get away with calling me a communist and nobody is bothered by this.?

Woodward was critical of Rove?s new super PAC, the Conservative Victory Project, during his Sunday appearance, arguing it was against Republican traditions.

?You?re going to set yourself up as a kind of Politburo vetting these candidates,? Woodward said. ?I mean, the whole theory of Republicanism is to let the local, state or district decide.?

I?m afraid I don?t know what Woodward is talking about here.? Rove didn?t invent the independent PAC, not even within the GOP.? Both parties have a number of outside groups that provide funding to candidates in primaries and general elections.? Rove may be better organized than most, but it?s not a novelty, and since it?s not part of the Republican Party, it?s not a politburo, either ? not even figuratively.

Maybe Woodward missed this for the last hundred cycles or so, but politicians who want to seek higher office are often judged on their effectiveness in interceding in primaries.? In fact, that?s practically a fantasy league for earlier presidential handicapping.? The local and state voters decide, but neither Republicans nor Democrats have ever been non-interventionists when it comes to flexing political muscle at any level.? Woodward has confused governing principles with election principles.

Frankly, I don?t get the angst over Rove?s PAC.? No one is forced to contribute to his PAC, so the people sending him cash must appreciate his efforts, as do the candidates receiving the donations.? Those who dislike Rove?s choices can organize for other candidates.? It?s no different than what has transpired in every election in recent memory, and it?s not the same as having official party orgs like the NRSC intervene in primary contests, which really is an establishment-control issue.

Here?s the full clip from Rove?s appearance last night, courtesy of Mediaite. Does the revelation that Rove spent nearly $6 million in support of Richard Mourdock last year temper any hard feelings over Rove?s new direction?


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Aaron Swartz Prosecutors Weighed 'Guerilla' Manifesto, Justice Official Tells Congressional Committee

A Justice Department representative told congressional staffers during a recent briefing on the computer fraud prosecution of Internet activist Aaron Swartz that Swartz's "Guerilla Open Access Manifesto" played a role in the prosecution, sources told The Huffington Post.

Swartz's 2008 manifesto said sharing information was a "moral imperative" and advocated for "civil disobedience" against copyright laws pushed by corporations "blinded by greed" that led to the "privatization of knowledge."

"We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them with the world. We need to take stuff that's out of copyright and add it to the archive," Swartz wrote in the manifesto. "We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks. We need to fight for Guerilla Open Access."

The "Manifesto," Justice Department representatives told congressional staffers, demonstrated Swartz's malicious intent in downloading documents on a massive scale.

Swartz was 26 when he killed himself in January. He had been indicted by federal prosecutors in 2011 for downloading millions of academic journal articles from the nonprofit online database JSTOR using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer network. He faced a felony conviction and prison sentence for downloading the articles, though he maintained he had permission to access them.

The briefing for congressional staffers on the House Oversight Committee was led by Steven Reich, an associate deputy attorney general. Reich did not respond to a request for comment.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the leading Republican and Democrat on the committee, are jointly investigating prosecutors' handling of the Swartz case. Family, friends and supporters of Swartz have said they believe the aggressive prosecution played a role in his suicide. The U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz, has defended her staff members assigned to the case.

Reich told congressional staffers that the Justice Department believed federal prosecutors acted in a reasonable manner, according to the sources. He also made clear that prosecutors were in part influenced by wanting to deter others from committing similar offenses.

When considering punishment, courts are supposed to impose an ?adequate deterrence to criminal conduct" under federal statute. Swartz's "Manifesto," prosecutors said they believed, made clear that he intended to share the academic articles widely.

Reich told congressional staffers that prosecutors offered Swartz a plea bargain early in the case that would have given him a three-month prison sentence in exchange for a guilty plea to a felony, according to three sources with knowledge of the briefing who would not agree to be quoted by name. Reich told the staffers that the plea deal would allow Swartz's lawyers to argue to a judge that Swartz didn't deserve a prison sentence.

Some congressional staffers left the briefing with the impression that prosecutors believed they needed to convict Swartz of a felony that would put him in jail for a short sentence in order to justify bringing the charges in the first place, according to two aides with knowledge of the briefing.

Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

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Crio Bru: Cocoa-based chocolate-like drink | Melissa McEwen on ...

?I have a complicated relationship with coffee because I seem to be very sensitive to it. Even if I drink it regularly, it seems to make me a bit jittery at times. I reserve it for days I really need an edge in productivity. Other days I drink tea. I used to not be able to tolerate coffee at all because it upset my stomach, but I figured out thanks to reader Mike White that I could drink paper-filtered, but not French-press coffee. There is a lot of great coffee here in Chicago, so I'm happy I know this.

I've been drinking Cocoa tea, Tisano, for awhile now, but someone mentioned that they were enjoying a similar beverage that was a bit heavier more like coffee called Crio Bru and I got some online to try.?

I first tried the Crio Bru Cavella. When you open the bag it smells like chocolate heaven bliss. It's wonderful.

It probably works best with a french press. Because of the thicker grind it takes a long time in the paper filter. The caveat with the french press is that it is a fatty brew and you can get some oil slick on it. Since ahem some people put butter on their coffee, they might not mind it. When I'm drinking alone I usually don't care but if I'm serving it to other people I usually filter- a metal tea filter can also work OK.?

The cavella has a natural sweetness and lightness to it and does not get bitter easily. The other one I am trying now, the Coca River, is much much heartier and easily becomes a bit bitter. It probably holds up a little better to cream though. I look forward to trying more of them. I will say that it does affect me a bit like coffee if I drink the entire french press..?

I also picked up some local Chicago Kishr at the nearby Green Grocer. It's a spicy Middle Eastern drink made with the coffee cherry that is also nice as a pick-me-up.?


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NCAA says three former Miami assistants misled investigators

Louisville assistant Clint Hurtt is accused of committing violations while he was at Miami. (USATSI)
Louisville assistant Clint Hurtt is accused of committing violations while he was at Miami. (USATSI)

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- The NCAA believes former Miami assistant coaches Clint Hurtt, Aubrey Hill and Jorge Fernandez provided false or misleading information during the probe into the Hurricanes' athletic department.

The NCAA said all three violated "principles of ethical conduct" as part of the notice of allegations served against the Hurricanes, according to a person who spoke to the Associated Press on Wednesday on condition of anonymity because the allegations have not been released publicly.

Hurtt and Hill were members of Miami's football staff. Fernandez worked on the men's basketball staff.

Several other coaches are named or referenced in the allegations, including Missouri basketball coach Frank Haith. But only Hurtt, Hill and Fernandez are facing the ethical-conduct charge, commonly known as NCAA Rule 10.1.

Hurtt is currently on the staff at Louisville. Hill is not working as a coach at this time, and Fernandez spent last season as an assistant at Marshall, resigning last May.

The notice of allegations was delivered to Miami on Tuesday, and the university is facing the charge that it had a "lack of institutional control" -- one of the worst things the NCAA can levy against a member school. The charge revolves around how the school allegedly failed to monitor conduct of Nevin Shapiro, a rogue booster and convicted felon who provided cash, gifts and other items to players on the football and men's basketball teams.

University president Donna Shalala said Tuesday night that the Hurricanes have suffered enough already through self-imposed sanctions. Through a university spokesman, she declined further comment Wednesday.

The NCAA said Hurtt and Hill committed the same violations, at least related to the ethical-conduct matter.

The NCAA alleged both provided meals, transportation and lodging to either recruits, current players or both in either 2008 or 2009. Both were interviewed by the NCAA during the course of its probe and allegedly denied providing those extra benefits, statements the NCAA said were contradicted in each case by what players told them separately.

Hurtt also took a $2,500 personal loan from Shapiro, which was repaid. The NCAA also believes he sent about 40 impermissible text messages to recruits, which typically is a secondary, or minor, violation.

Fernandez, the NCAA alleged, "knowingly provided extra benefits" in the form of an air ticket. The NCAA said Fernandez denied using air miles for the tickets for a men's basketball player and a high school coach, despite evidence to the contrary.

In February 2012, Miami center Reggie Johnson was ruled ineligible by the school after an investigation revealed that members of his family accepted "impermissible travel benefits" from a member of the school's former coaching staff, without specifying Fernandez or anyone else by name. The university said Johnson was not aware of the benefits, personally accepted nothing and that his family had been told they were allowed.

Johnson was reinstated quickly last season, and remains a key part of this season's team -- now ranked No. 2 in the nation and leading the Atlantic Coast Conference. The ongoing cloud of the scandal is not hurting the Hurricanes, basketball coach Jim Larranaga said Tuesday night.

"If it was overshadowing what we were doing, this room would not be packed," Larranaga said after his team beat Virginia. "We're getting so much exposure. We can only focus on the things we have control over. We have nothing to do with the investigation."

Several other former Miami coaches are named in the allegations as well, including one-time men's basketball assistant Jake Morton, who the NCAA said, among other things, accepted "supplemental income" of at least $6,000 from Shapiro. Morton is now on the staff at Western Kentucky.

Missouri's Haith is accused of failing "to promote an atmosphere for compliance," a charge specific to how he handled things when Shapiro allegedly wanted money in exchange for not going public with accusations that he paid to help the Hurricanes recruit a player.

Some of the allegations are more than 10 years old, including a claim that Shapiro bought a suit for former Miami star running back Willis McGahee to wear to the Heisman Trophy ceremony in 2002.

Other allegations include that he paid for dinners at Benihana, televisions, sneakers, Miami Heat tickets, bowling parties, one player's engagement ring, a used washer-dryer set for current New England Patriots lineman Vince Wilfork, and that he directed his girlfriend to give two former Hurricanes no-show jobs for a couple of months.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013 Touched Touched


We Southerners don?t give much thought to being raised in an orphanage; we?ve always been surrounded by family. It?s who we are. But imagine for a minute that all those family members are a mystery to you.? The concept got me thinking about something we all need to do. Something so important in our family history, I?m embarrassed to say I never thought of it before yesterday.? But yesterday, think of it I did.? And I decided to take action.

There comes a times when you realize your surviving parent won?t be alive on this earth forever.? I mean we all know that already, but one day, the reality of it will really hit you deep in your belly, will render you faint, and take you to your knees.? Last Sunday, a friend at church shared with me that when her surviving parent passed away, she knew for the first time in her life what it feels like to be an orphan.? I never thought of it that way, but it made a lot of sense.

So let?s say your last parent is gone, and you?re now left to sort through all their belongings, decide what to keep and what to let go.? That?s what made me realize: I don?t know the family history of many of my mother?s cherished antiques, accessories, and sets of bone china.? I don't know who's hands have touched them or whose lives the antiques have touched. What did Mom buy through the years and what came down in the family?? I?d never paid attention, but there?s a reason.

I grew up with warehouses, storefronts, and homes filled with English and American antiques.? My father?s family were antique wholesalers who imported container loads of antiques from England.? All the homes I grew up in were decorated around them, and Mother still has a farmhouse full of them right here in Bville.? It also occured to me that when Mom married Pop (Daddy died young), which pieces came into the family with him -- he's a decsendent of the Hatfields of West Virginia (yes, the same ones who feuded with the McCoys for generations.)? Which ones have been handed down in our family, which came down through his, and which were acquired? I haven?t a clue.? So I set out to learn and record how each piece ended up in my Mom's and Pop's home, and under their dominion.? There are hundreds of items to be entered. It?s going to take untold number of hours, and fill several journals.

To be continued??.


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Kim Kardashian Wants More Privacy? We're Not Buying It

Kim Kardashian's baby isn't due until summer, but she says that motherhood has already changed her. In the spring issue of DuJour magazine, the reality star -- looking gorgeous in a white bikini with almost zero makeup -- talks about her desire to turn over a new leaf.


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The State of California Has Mark Zuckerberg's Unclaimed Paychecks Waiting

Mark Zuckerberg should fill out one of the claim association forms from the California State Comptroller's office. Turns out, he has an unclaimed paycheck from 2004 from PayPal to the tune of $308.62, BetaBeat reports. More »


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