Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wild horses sold by US going to slaughterhouses?

Susan Montoya Bryan / AP file

Wild horses scour the ground for strands of hay during an adoption event put on by the Bureau of Land Management in Albuquerque, N.M., in 2009.

By Dave Philipps / ProPublica

The Bureau of Land Management faced a crisis this spring.?

The agency protects and manages herds of wild horses that still roam the American West, rounding up thousands of them each year to keep populations stable.

But by March, government pens and pastures were nearly full. Efforts to find new storage space had fallen flat. So had most attempts to persuade members of the public to adopt horses. Without a way to relieve the pressure, the agency faced a gridlock that would invite lawsuits and potentially cause long-term damage to the range.?

So the BLM did something it has done increasingly over the last few years. It turned to a little-known Colorado livestock hauler named Tom Davis who was willing to buy hundreds of horses at a time, sight unseen, for $10 a head.?

The BLM has sold Davis at least 1,700 wild horses and burros since 2009, agency records show [1] -- 70 percent of the animals purchased through its sale program.

Like all buyers, Davis signs contracts promising that animals bought from the program will not be slaughtered and insists he finds them good homes.

But Davis is a longtime advocate of horse slaughter. By his own account, he has ducked Colorado law to move animals across state lines and will not say where they end up. He continues to buy wild horses for slaughter from Indian reservations, which are not protected by the same laws. And since 2010, he has been seeking investors for a slaughterhouse of his own.

"Hell, some of the finest meat you will ever eat is a fat yearling colt," he said. "What is wrong with taking all those BLM horses they got all fat and shiny and setting up a kill plant?"

Animal welfare advocates fear that horses bought by Davis are being sent to the killing floor.?

?The BLM says it protects wild horses,? said Laura Leigh, founder of the Nevada-based advocacy group Wild Horse Education, ?but when they are selling to a guy like this you have to wonder.?

BLM officials say they carefully screen buyers and are adamant that no wild horses ever go to slaughter.

?We don?t feel compelled to sell to anybody we don?t feel good about,? agency spokesman Tom Gorey said. ?We want the horses to be protected.?

Sally Spencer, who runs the wild horse sales program [2], said the agency has had no indication of problems with Davis and it would be unfair for the BLM to look more closely at him based on the volume of his purchases.

"It is no good to just stir up rumors,? she said. ?We have never heard of him not being able to find homes. So people are innocent until proven guilty in the United States."

Congress reverses a move that previously prevented the slaughter of horses for exportation of the meat. Paul Crawley reports.

Some BLM employees say privately that wild horse program officials may not want to look too closely at Davis. The agency has more wild horses than it knows what to do with, they say, and Davis has become a relief valve for a federal program plagued by conflict and cost over-runs.?

"They are under a lot of pressure in Washington to make numbers,? said a BLM corral manager who did not want his name used because he feared retribution from the agency?s national office. ?Maybe that is what this is about. They probably don't want to look too careful at this guy."


Wild horses embody the mythic West: Painted Indian war ponies and the cavalry mounts that chased them, pony express runners and the tough partners of cowboys.

At the turn of the 20th Century, they numbered in the millions, but most were rounded up, slaughtered, and used for pet food or fertilizer, until by 1970, there were only 17,000 left.

In 1971, Congress stepped in to save the remaining herds, passing a law [3] that declared wild horses ?living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West? and made it a crime for anyone to harass or kill wild horses on most federal land. The law tasked the departments of Interior and Agriculture with protecting the animals still roaming the range.

Dave Philipps / ProPublica

Tom Davis at his corrals in La Jara, Colo.

In a sense, the Bureau of Land Management -- the part of the Interior Department assigned to oversee the wild horse program -- succeeded in this a bit too well. Protected horses naturally began to reproduce and by 1983 there were an estimated 65,000 horses and burros on the range, competing for resources with cattle and native wildlife.

In the name of maintaining a sustainable balance, the BLM began removing horses from the wild. It now rounds up about 9,400 horses a year, which has kept the wild population at around 35,000.

The captured horses are put up for adoption. Almost anyone can have one for as little as $125 as long as they sign a contract promising not to sell it to slaughter.

Adoptions kept pace with round ups until investigations in the late 1980s and 1990s showed that many adopters, including several BLM employees, had turned a quick profit by selling the horses to slaughterhouses. To discourage such re-sales, the BLM began holding the title of sale for a year. Today the agency says it visits almost every adopter for a ?compliance check? within six months to make sure horses are well cared for.

The restrictions protected horses, but discouraged adoptions, a trend compounded more recently by a bad economy and soaring hay prices.

Today, only one in three captured horses finds a home. The rest go into a warren of tax payer-funded corrals, feed lots and pastures collectively known as ?the holding system.? Since horses often live 20 years after being captured, the holding population has grown steadily for decades from 1,600 in 1989 to more than 47,000. There are now more wild horses living in captivity than in the wild.

For decades, government auditors [4] and wild horse welfare advocates have warned that the policy of capturing and storing horses is unsustainable and have pushed for the BLM to use fertility controls, introduce predators or expand wild horse territories, but the agency has made little progress toward these goals. In the first half of this year, for example, it treated fewer than half as many wild horses with a birth control drug than was planned.?

"I think they are caught in an old way of doing things,? said John Turner, an endocrinologist at University of Toledo who specializes in wild horse fertility control. ?Once they round up the horses, I don't think they like to treat and release. They would rather remove them."

Driven by the cost of caring for unwanted wild horses, the annual price tag of the program has ballooned from $16 million in 1989 to $76 million today.

Cost pressures prompted Congress to pass a last-minute rider to a 2004 law directing the BLM to sell thousands of old or unadoptable wild horses for $10 a head without restrictions -- even for slaughter -- but the agency has not done so, fearing public outrage.?

Instead, since then, the BLM has been selling horses, but requiring buyers to sign contracts [5] saying they will? ?not knowingly sell or transfer ownership of any listed wild horse and or burro to any person or organization with an intention to resell, trade, or give away the animal for processing into commercial products." Violating the agreement is a felony, but there are no compliance checks similar to those done when horses are adopted.

Even when priced at less than a few bales of hay, these horses had little appeal: Sales dropped [6] from 1,468 in 2005 to 351 in 2008.

To explore other options for reducing the number of horses in holding, top BLM officials gathered for weekly closed-door meetings from July to October 2008. According to meeting minutes obtained by the Conquistador Equine Rescue & Advocacy Program, they considered selling thousands of animals for slaughter and even large-scale euthanasia, but concluded such actions would enrage animal-welfare activists to the point they might "threaten the safety of our facilities and our employees."

No clear plan emerged.

As the wild horse program?s situation grew increasingly dire, a new option came knocking: Tom Davis.


Davis, 64, a plain-spoken man with a sun-beaten brow, makes his living hauling livestock, but says reselling wild horses now accounts for a substantial part of his income.

By his own account, he has worked around horses all his life -- on racetracks, on ranches, and even rounding up wild horses for slaughter before the 1971 law put a stop to the practice.

For most of that time, he has lived in the tiny town of La Jara, in Colorado?s mountain-ringed San Luis Valley, just down the road from Ken Salazar, the former U.S. Senator who now heads the Department of the Interior.

?When my dad was alive we farmed their land,? Davis said of the Salazar family. ?I like them. I do business with them. I do quite a bit of trucking for Ken.?

(Salazar did not respond to repeated interview requests for this story.)

On a warm morning in May, Davis gave a rambling two-hour interview on the 13-acre spread of corrals and truck lots where he lives.

Leaning against the fence of a muddy corral where a half dozen horses nibbled hay, wearing dusty overalls, Davis gave a simple reason for becoming the BLM?s main buyer.

"I love wild horses to death,? he said. ?It's like an addiction. For some it's drugs, for me it's horses."

According to BLM records, Davis first contacted the program in January 2008. Documents obtained from the agency show he filled out the application [7] to become a buyer over the phone, aided by Spencer, the BLM?s sales director, who wrote in his answers to questions on the form. (A BLM spokesman said in an email that agency employees often did this in the program?s early days, but no longer do.)

Under a question concerning Davis? intended use of the animals, Spencer wrote ?use for movies.? He later told other BLM employees he sold the horses to Mexican movie companies to use on film shoots.

Under a question about what type of horses Davis preferred, the application noted he would take males or females, so long as they were big.

At the bottom of the application, Spencer wrote that she and Davis had ?Discussed goal of providing a good home and making sure none of the horses end up at slaughter plants.? A few weeks later, the BLM sent Davis 36 wild horses from its Ca?on City, Colo., holding corral.

That was the only load the BLM sent Davis in 2008, records show. But in 2009 -- a few months after the meetings about the holding crisis and two weeks after Salazar became head of the Interior Department -- the agency started sending him truckload after truckload, from all over the West. Soon he was by far their biggest customer.

Davis bought 560 horses in 2009, another 332 animals in 2010, 599 more in 2011, and 239 in the first four months of 2012, agency records show. While most BLM buyers purchase one or two horses at a time, Davis averages 35 per purchase and has bought up to 240 at a time.

The animals came from the mountains of California and Wyoming, the mesas of Colorado and Utah, and the deserts of Nevada and Oregon. Many had lived for decades in the wild: Mature band stallions and resilient mares of every color descended from the first American horses.

Davis has paid the BLM a total of $17,630 for the animals, far less than BLM has expended to provide them ? the agency estimates it costs $1,000 to roundup a wild horse and records show it has paid as much as $5,000 per truckload to ship them to Davis. Similar horses that are not acquired from the BLM and can legally be sold for slaughter fetch $300,000 to $600,000 on the open market, according to sales prices from regional livestock auctions.

Some BLM corral managers said in interviews they felt uneasy shipping so many horses to a single buyer, and one they knew so little about, but said such decisions weren?t up to them.

"That all happens in Washington," one said, echoing the comments of many. "We are just peons. We do what we are told."

Davis said BLM employees occasionally asked where his horses ended up, but said he tells them it?s ?none of your damn business.?

"They never question me too hard. It makes 'em look good if they're movin' these horses, see?" he said. "Every horse I take from them saves them a lot of money. I?m doing them a favor. I?m doing the American people a favor."


So what happened to the wild horses Davis purchased from the BLM?

The agency can?t say for sure. It does not hold onto the titles of wild horses acquired through its sale program as it does with horses that are adopted. Officials also have no process for following up to make sure buyers use animals as they claim they will in applications.

In the interview at the ranch, Davis said he had found most of the mustangs ?good homes? on properties mostly in the southeastern states.? Asked if he would provide records of these sales, he responded, ?Ain?t no way in hell.?

Other people who find homes for rescue horses in the region say they rely heavily on advertising and web sites to connect with buyers. Davis does not appear to do so.

?I?ve never heard of him,? said David Hesse, who runs Mustang and Wild Horse Rescue of Georgia [8]. ?If he said he is finding homes for that many old, untamed mustangs, I?m skeptical. The market is deader than dead. I have trouble finding homes for even the ones that are saddle-broken. Wild ones? No way.?

On some sales applications, Davis has said he sells horses to graze on land used for oil and gas drilling in Texas, but oil industry experts contacted for this story said they had never heard of such a practice.

According to brand inspection documents [9] required by Colorado when livestock is sold or shipped more than 75 miles, Davis and his wife say they have sent 765 animals with BLM wild horse brands to a sparsely populated stretch of arid brush country along the Mexico border in Kinney County, Texas. (The records do not give specific addresses where animals were sent, but identify small towns, such as Spofford, as their destination.)

It?s impossible to confirm that the horses actually arrived there or to know where they might have gone next, however, because Texas is one of the few Western states that do not require brand inspections when horses are moved or sold.

Just south of Kinney County is Eagle Pass, a border town that isthe only crossing for horses going to slaughter in Mexico for hundreds of miles.

There have been no horse slaughterhouses in the U.S. since 2007, when Congress barred funding for U.S. Department of Agriculture horse meat inspectors. Since then horse slaughter has been outsourced. A 2011 report by the General Accountability Office [10] found the export of horses for slaughter to Mexico shot up 660 percent after the ban.

In Eagle Pass, as at other crossings, slaughter horses are checked by USDA veterinarians. A? USDA spokeswoman refused to make veterinarians available for interviews, but confirmed that vets sometimes see wild horses bearing the BLM brand in slaughter export pens.

Brand documents leave almost 1,000 of Davis?s wild horses unaccounted for. That means they should still be within 75 miles of his residence -- if he has complied with state law.

Asked if this was the case, Davis first said the horses were still on 160 acres of land he leases from the state of Colorado. Then he said some had been shipped out of state without brand inspections, a misdemeanor punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

"Since when is anything in this country done legal?" Davis said in a phone interview.


Had BLM officials inquired further about Davis, they might have found reason to question his plans for wild horses.

Davis is a vocal proponent of slaughtering wild horses in the holding system, which he considers a waste of resources. During the interview at his home, he said he would purchase far more horses if the BLM allowed him to resell them to so-called ?kill buyers.?

?They are selling me mere hundreds now,? he said. ?If they sold me 50,000, I guarantee I could do something with them. I would go to Canada. I would go to Mexico.?

Davis has close friends who export horses for slaughter, including Dennis Chavez, whose family runs one of largest export businesses in the southwest. In 1984, when Davis authored ?Be Tough or be Gone [11],? a self-published book about a horseback ride he took from Mexico to Alaska, he dedicated it to Chavez?s father, Sonny Chavez.

Also, despite the obstacles that impede U.S. horse slaughterhouses, Davis said he has been trying to drum up investors to open a slaughter plant in Colorado.

He said he had approached pet food companies to buy the meat and asked Ken Salazar?s brother, John Salazar, who is the head of the Colorado Department of Agriculture, to help him get a grant to finance the business. John Salazar declined to help Davis, and so far the slaughterhouse venture has not gone forward.

?How can the BLM say with a straight face they are protecting wild horses when they deal with this guy?? said Leigh, of Wild Horse Education.

Animal welfare advocates have raised concerns about Davis? purchases, but they say federal officials paid little attention.

In late 2010, the BLM rounded up 255 horses in the Adobe Town wild horse area [12] in Wyoming. A local loose knit group of advocates had been photographing the herd for years. After the round-up, group members called BLM officials, looking to adopt a few of the animals, particularly an old stallion they had named Grey Beard [13].

They were told that the horses had been claimed by an anonymous buyer who planned to resell them to large landowners looking for agricultural tax exemptions. The advocates tried to learn more about the buyer, but Spencer refused to give his name, citing privacy policies.

According to interviews and agency emails, group members told Spencer that anyone buying that many horses at once had to be a kill buyer.

Sandra Longley, one of the advocates, said in an email to another advocate that Spencer had assured her that the buyer in question had a long relationship with the BLM and was ?above reproach.?

A BLM spokesman said Spencer did not recall the conversation.

According to BLM records, most of the horses were sold to Davis.

Warnings from advocates about Davis do not appear to have prompted the BLM to reconsider selling to him.In fact, internal agency email shows that officials actively turned to Davis to absorb freshly rounded-up horses so they wouldn?t end up in the overloaded holding system.

In January, the manager of the agency?s corral in Burns, Ore., emailed superiors in Washington, D.C., to ask what to do with 29 mares, almost all of which were pregnant. Spencer replied that Davis would take them.

In March, a corral manager emailed Spencer to say he had 92 ?nice horses? just rounded up in High Rock, Calif., and to ask if Davis could take some of the geldings.

A day later Spencer replied, ?Davis told me that if the geldings are in good shape he will be able to place them into good homes.?

?How many would Mr. Davis want to buy?? the corral manager asked Spencer. ?And are there any specifics that he is looking for??

?He said he?d be interested in all of them, no specifics,? Spencer replied. ?

Spencer said in an interview she is under no pressure to approve buyers with questionable backgrounds and feels confident that ?we do not sell to people we feel are going to do bad things to the horses.?

When asked about Davis, she said he had been thoroughly checked out and she had confidence in him. More generally, she said that if there were problems with a buyer, she would know.

?People watch where our horses go and the brands are very distinctive,? she said. ?If things were going on, we would get a call.?

Davis? most recent purchase was in April, when he bought 106 animals. Since then, the agency may have opened an inquiry into what he has done with horses bought from the BLM.? In June, an agency investigator contacted this reporter seeking information about him. This month, however, the BLM assistant special investigator in Santa Fe (the contact supplied by the agency on this matter) said he was "unable to confirm or deny" that the BLM is investigating Davis.

Animal welfare advocates say the agency?s reliance on Davis is just another indication of how the wild horse program and its overburdened holding system have been mismanaged.

?He is just a symptom of the train wreck that is the Wild Horse and Burro program,? said Ginger Kathrens, director of the horse advocacy group The Cloud Foundation, based in Colorado Springs. ?They just warehouse more and more horses and create their own crisis. Then, after they run the program into the ground, they have to find ways out of it. It is a whole unnatural ridiculous system run amok. And who pays the ultimate price? Wild horses.?

This report, "All the Missing Horses," first appeared at

To contact Dave Philipps about this story, email him at

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Eastman Kodak Co. will wind down its desktop-printer unit next year, pulling the plug on a business that for half a decade was central to Chief Executive Antonio Perez?s plan to turn around the company.

The decision will cost Kodak $90 million, as the company lays off staff and writes down the value of its consumer-printing assets. It also will leave the company even smaller as it works to emerge from bankruptcy protection sometime next year.

Read the rest of this post on the original site ?


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Four Splendid Gaming Apps... and NFL Pro 2013

Four Splendid Gaming Apps... and NFL Pro 2013As Owen Good often reminds us, not every Gaming App of the Day is a good one. For every Bad Piggies, The Room or Bar Story 2 there are a dozen NFL Pro 2013s, and he seems to wind up playing them all.

Oftentimes we'll play gaming apps for our daily spotlight based on our own personal preferences. We'll see something that catches our eyes (like fishhooks) and we'll dive right in. Sometimes, however, we are assigned them, as I kind of did with Owen this week. I mean, he's our sports guy! It's a sports game!

I'm so sorry, Owen.

If it helps, there are at least three picks on this week's list that are spectacular! The Room is one of the best puzzle adventure games I've played in forever, Bad Piggies has those pigs in it, and Kirk's pick has anime people mixing drinks in a bar!

That's what you should do. Go to a bar. Bring your iPhone.

If you have a suggestion for an app for the iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone 7 that you'd like to see highlighted, let us know.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

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Financial Market ? Mortgage a home to pay Junior's student loans?

Dear Dr. Don,
I have a question about college financing and home cash-out refinancing. I have about $100,000 in federal and private student loans, and most of the interest rates are around 7 percent. My parents are interested in knowing if they can do a cash-out refinance on a second home that has no mortgage (because they paid it off) to pay off my student loans. Is this a good idea? With home loan rates around 3 percent, it seems to make sense. Any suggestions would be wonderful. Thank you.
? Chad Collegian

Dear Chad,
Your parents tapping the equity in their second home to pay off your student loans can make financial sense in terms of reducing the interest expense on your college education.

Replacing student loans with mortgage financing takes away some important features of those loans, such as loan deferment and loan forbearance, for periods when you can?t make the payments or need to make reduced payments. Also lost are any loan forgiveness provisions, if you become disabled or die, while the loans are outstanding.

Any tax deductions lost on the student loans might be replaced by a mortgage interest deduction, but that would depend on your parents? mortgage balances on both their main home and their second home. If the student loans are in your name, then you?re the one losing the tax break when your parents take on the mortgage debt.

That begs the question: Who is responsible for the student loan debt? If it?s all in your name and you?re asking if it makes sense for your parents to pay off your loans by taking out a mortgage, that may reduce the total interest expense ? but it then becomes their responsibility to pay off the mortgage.

A lot of parents, and even grandparents, are writing me complaining that when they co-signed student loans they didn?t expect to get stuck with paying them back. It?s often a reasonable complaint.

You?ve invested in your human capital by going to college. It?s expected that the return on that human capital ? your future earnings ? will be used to make the loan payments.

Other parents expect to finance their children?s education. It?s one of their life goals to send their children to college. If that?s the case with your parents, and they want to reduce the interest expense by taking out a mortgage on their second home to pay off the student loans, it can make sound financial sense for them to do so.

Get more news, money-saving tips and expert advice by signing up for a free Bankrate newsletter.

To ask a question of Dr. Don, go to the ?Ask the Experts? page and select one of these topics: ?Financing a home,? ?Saving & Investing? or ?Money.? Read more Dr. Don columns for additional personal finance advice.

Bankrate?s content, including the guidance of its advice-and-expert columns and this website, is intended only to assist you with financial decisions. The content is broad in scope and does not consider your personal financial situation. Bankrate recommends that you seek the advice of advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy. Please remember that your use of this website is governed by Bankrate?s Terms of Use.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

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ASUS teases Jelly Bean update coming to Transformer Pad Prime and Infinity within 72 hours

ASUS teases Jelly Bean update coming to Transformer Pad Prime and Infinity 'soon'

Oh, ASUS. While it was so forthcoming with an update to Jelly Bean for the Transformer Pad TF300, it has been shy about upgrading the tablet's higher-end cousins. The company must be coming out of its shell: it just posted a teaser for Jelly Bean updates coming to the Transformer Pad Prime TF201 (formerly the Eee Pad Transformer Prime) and the flagship Transformer Pad Infinity TF700. ASUS was initially hesitant to say more than that it would come "soon," but Technical Marketing Manager Gary Key has stepped in to confirm that North America will get the update within a surprisingly quick 72 hours. The only glaring omission is a matching refresh for the original Eee Pad Transformer to give veteran owners a little TLC.

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ASUS teases Jelly Bean update coming to Transformer Pad Prime and Infinity within 72 hours originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 16:45:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Facebook stops asking you to snitch on your friends

9 hrs.

Earlier this week, the Internet had a mini meltdown over false reports that Facebook may?ve posted users' old?private messages.

Though it was swiftly deemed untrue,?even the French government demanded answers on this non-scandal. All of that overshadowed the real news, a creepy misstep of which the world?s largest social network really?is guilty: asking Facebook users to identify friends who may be using fake names on the site.

?Help Us Make Facebook Better,? read a survey prompt that kicked up a comparatively minor amount of ire when it made the rounds on Twitter. ?Is this your friend?s real name?? the survey went on, showing a photo of one of the recipient?s Facebook friends and multiple choice answers, ?Yes,? ?No,? ?I don?t know this person,? and ?I don?t want to answer.?

?Your response is anonymous and won?t affect your friend?s account,? Facebook assured on the poll question, which Facebook representive?Fred Wolens reiterated to

Though Facebook does have a real name policy, Wolens said this particular poll was one of many anonymous surveys Facebook uses to tweak its algorithms. He provided the following company statement:?

This was a limited survey we have already concluded. We are always looking to gauge how people use Facebook and represent themselves to better design our product and systems. We analysed these surveys only using aggregate data and responses had zero impact on any user's account.

According to Wolens, the survey was received by a small amount of users. Exactly how small, he wouldn?t say. News of it?spread when?Twitter user @chapeaudefee tweeted a screenshot and the comment, ?Facebook wants to know if your friends? names are real. Are you going to be the snitch??

Outraged? Probably. You know how you love to be outraged at Facebook. Shocked? Not so much.?

The Internet is currently so unperturbed by this latest turn, YouTube has yet to produce a single ?Hitler reacts to Facebook asking you to snitch on your friends? video ? though a long history of totalitarian regimes asking its citizens to turn on their neighbors is not lost on those who are offended by the poll, despite its reassurances.

?The whole idea of snitching is highly dodgy,? writes privacy blogger Paul Bernal.??It?s creepy ? and it helps build at atmosphere of distrust, breaking down the very things that make social networks good,? he continues. ?The social relationships that are the heart of Facebook are meant to do ?good? things ??not be a route by which bad things are spread.?

--?via Sophos

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about privacy?and then asks you to join her on?Twitter?and/or?Facebook. Also,?Google+.?Because that's how she rolls.


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Bacon shortage worldwide 'unavoidable,' says pig group

Enjoy all the bacon while you can! Experts are telling consumers to expect rising pork prices, since farmers thinned their herds this year because of the high cost of feed.

By Cindy Perman,

(Updated 4:06 p.m. Eastern) The droughts that ravaged crops across North American and Russia have had a huge impact on the food supply, livestock and farmers but now it may be time to hit the ?panic? button ? one pig group is predicting a BACON SHORTAGE.

?A world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidable,? the National Pig Association in the UK said this week.

The droughts meant less feed to go around and farmers had to take drastic measures. One farmer fed his cows candy to survive, while others have pared their herds. The NPA warned that he number of slaughtered pigs could drop by 10 percent in the second half of next year and that could cause the price of pork products to DOUBLE.

The group is taking the situation so seriously, they have launched a ?Save Our Bacon? campaign.

So, what does this mean for bacon lovers in the U.S.??

?Unfortunately it does seem as though this is an unavoidable event due to drought conditions in key pork producing areas,? said Heather Lauer, author of the ?Bacon Unwrapped? blog and the book ?Bacon: A Love Story.?

Twitter was peppered with all sorts of concern about a possible bacon crisis. ?Our worst fear is coming to pass ? global bacon shortage!? @allbacon wrote. ?Go, scramble the jets! Get me the PM!? @ckk527 wrote.

Some of the bacon Twitterati kicked into action mode. ?Time to get that backyard pig?? @JP_Permaculture asked. And @Agropinion said, ?Need bigger freezer!?

?My first reaction to the news was: The Mayans were right. This is how it's going down!? Lauer said.

During this time of potential national crisis, we turned to the National Pork Producers Council for guidance and they said ? don?t hit the panic button just yet.

U.S. hog farmers have been reducing their herds due to high feed costs but the situation isn?t as severe as it is in the UK and other European Union nations, where some nations have reduced herds 10 percent or more.

?I don?t think we?re too worried about it,? said Dave Warner, a spokesman for the NPCC. ?We?re seeing a little bit of that [paring herds] here but not nearly what you?re seeing there.?

U.S. hog farmers probably won?t pare their herds more than 3 percent in the next 6 to 8 months, which would mean an increase in retail prices on bacon and other pork products of about 8 to 10 percent, said Steve Meyer, the president of Paragon Economics and a consultant to pork industry.

?Eight to 10 percent isn?t per se a crisis,? Meyer said.

And, it?s important to draw the line between the two because UK bacon is a completely different product than US bacon, he said ? it?s more like loin there ? and the US doesn?t import bacon from other countries.

?A global reduction in supply is almost unavoidable but I don?t think we?re going to have lines for bacon the U.S.!? said Meyer, who also writes a daily livestock report. ?Are we going to have less product in the second half of 2013? Yes.?

Rising meat prices have been a concern to the industry for the last five years since the rise of ethanol, which, like feed for livestock, comes from corn. The recent drought in the U.S. and Russia piled on to that. Meyer said without ethanol as a base strain on the industry, it might have weathered the drought better. Though, the drought was even a rarity ? the last time the U.S. corn belt suffered a drought was 1988.

Meyer said the unbelievable attention that the potential shortage has received is a testament to America?s sizzling, smokey love affair with bacon.

?I?ve been talking about [rising meat prices] since 2006 but nobody would listen until someone said we?re not going to have enough bacon,? Meyer said. ?If I?d known that I?d have used different words. Don?t take away their bacon!?

To be clear, there isn't necessarily going to be a shortage in the U.S., Meyer said, but prices are definitely still a big concern.

The price of bacon and other pork products hit a record $3.56 a pound in 2011 and last month reached $3.53, according to the USDA.

?I wouldn?t be surprised to see that number go to $3.60 to $3.70 a pound,? Meyer said.

And this is not good news for families who are already grappling with unemployment and digging out of the recession.

?Anytime you drive up retail prices ? beef, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, milk ? it falls on people with low incomes and fixed incomes,? he said. ?The people who can?t afford it.?

Over the summer, the government announced a plan to buy $100 million of pork products for schools, the military, etc. It?s a start, but Meyer said it?s still probably not enough to make a dent in the industry?s problems.

So, let?s cut to the chase ? which presidential candidate would be better for bacon?

Meyer said the industry isn?t favoring either candidate but what they?d vote for is less regulation.

?It?s not a crisis but there will certainly be a reduction in pork supplies in 2013 and that means higher prices for consumers,? he said.

Still, Lauer said, she?s not taking any chances.

Mulling the reality of a post-apocalyptic, bacon-less Sunday brunch, ?there is serious potential for a breakdown in our social structure!? she quipped. ?And who knows what lengths people will go to in order to fulfill their basic bacon needs.?

In an effort to "get ahead of this life-altering event," Brooks Reynolds, one of the co-founders of the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival, and other members of the Iowa Bacon Board, traveled to Reykjavik, Iceland for the "International Bacon Summit."

"One of the key resolutions from the Icelandic and Iowa Bacon Boards was to build a world with the proverbial pig in every pot, similar to Herbert Hoover's 'chicken in every pot' presidential slogan in 1928," Reynolds said. "The first step in accomplishing this lofty goal is to encourage bacon lovers to go out and raise their own pigs. If they don't have room in their homes for a pig, we recommend building a 'personal bacon readiness kit' over the next year, which should include things like: thick cut, applewood smoked, dry cured, Berkshire, etc."

He's afraid to even think of a possible bacon shortage and what it could mean -- social and political unrest, an increased need for swine security and a "tidal wave of black market (boar bacon, tofu bacon, turkey bacon and beef bacon) bacon hitting the streets," he said.

And if there were a shortage, what would it mean for the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival?

"We would most likely need to heighten security and consider using identification verification equipment like retinal scans at the door," Reynolds said.

?Perhaps it?s finally time for our country to address the need for a Strategic Bacon Reserve,? Lauer said firmly. ?In the meantime, I?m going into survival mode and have already started stockpiling. As FEMA says, ?Prepare. Plan. Stay informed.??

Well said, Heather. Stay tuned to the Pony blog for all the latest bacon and bacon crisis news!?

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South Africa's Malema to face corruption hearing

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - ANC rebel Julius Malema, South African President Jacob Zuma's most prominent critic and an advocate of mining nationalization, appears in court on Wednesday on corruption charges that his supporters say are politically motivated.

Police said they would close roads around the courthouse in Polokwane, the provincial capital of Malema's native Limpopo, 350 km (220 miles) north of Johannesburg, for one of the biggest trials since the end of apartheid in 1994.

"No lawlessness will be tolerated and those who break the law will be arrested immediately," a police statement said, ahead of a planned demonstration by thousands Malema's supporters.

An arrest warrant was issued last week for the former ANC Youth League leader, with local media saying he was facing charges of fraud, corruption and money laundering in the awarding of government contracts in Limpopo.

Malema was expelled by the ruling African National Congress in April for causing rifts in the party, but has kept up his anti-Zuma tirades, saying the polygamist president should be removed since he pays more attention to his personal life than to running Africa's biggest economy.

His supporters see him as an eventual leader of the ANC but at 31 he is too young to replace Zuma at the head of the party that has governed South Africa for nearly two decades.

The Youth League's new leaders, who still back Malema, dismissed the charges as a politically motivated gambit to silence Zuma's most vocal critic ahead of an ANC leadership election in December.

"State institutions must never be used to settle political scores because that will plunge the country into a banana republic and confirms our view that we are becoming a police state," they said in a statement.

Malema stormed back from the political wilderness in August, blaming Zuma's administration for the police killing of 34 strikers at a platinum mine on August 16 - the deadliest security incident since the end of white-minority rule.

Malema's supporters, who accuse Zuma of trying to sideline him ahead of the ANC election, are preparing a vigil on Tuesday night, with 15,000 people being bussed in to Polokwane, the daily Sowetan reported.

The ANC establishment has condemned Malema as an opportunist.

One of South Africa's best political speakers, Malema rose from poverty with populist calls to seize white-owned farm land and for a government takeover of crucial sectors of Africa's largest economy.

Styling himself an "economic freedom fighter", he has revived a call for nationalization of mines, an option so far shunned by the government because it would bankrupt the country but whose specter unnerves investors in a sector producing about 6 percent of national economic output.

With a penchant for expensive cars, Swiss watches and champagne parties, Malema has been under investigation by the police's elite Hawks detective division for alleged corruption relating to government contracts in Limpopo.

Malema has also been given a bill for nearly $2 million for unpaid taxes, the South African Revenue Service said at the weekend.

(Editing by Giles Elgood)


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

UN chief demands global action to end war in Syria

UNITED NATIONS (AP) ? Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon demanded international action to stop the war in Syria, telling a somber gathering of world leaders Tuesday that the 18-month conflict had become "a regional calamity with global ramifications."

In sharp contrast to the U.N. chief, President Barack Obama pledged U.S. support for Syrians trying to oust President Bashar Assad ? "a dictator who massacres his own people."

Opening the U.N. General Assembly's annual ministerial meeting, Ban said in his state of the world speech that he was sounding the alarm about widespread insecurity, inequality and intolerance in many countries.

Putting the spotlight on Syria, the U.N. chief said "the international community should not look the other way as violence spirals out of control."

"We must stop the violence and flows of arms to both sides, and set in motion a Syrian-led transition as soon as possible," he said.

While Obama didn't call for an end to the violence, he made no mention of arming the opposition and stressed the importance of ensuring "that what began with citizens demanding their rights does not end in a cycle of sectarian violence."

"Together, we must stand with those Syrians who believe in a different vision ? a Syria that is united and inclusive, where children don't need to fear their own government, and all Syrians have a say in how they are governed, Sunnis and Alawites, Kurds and Christians," said Obama, who arrived at the U.N. after Ban spoke.

"That is what America stands for; that is the outcome that we will work for ? with sanctions and consequences for those who persecute; and assistance and support for those who work for this common good," the U.S. president said.

Ban, declaring that the situation in Syria is getting worse every day, called the conflict a serious and growing threat to international peace and security that requires attention from the deeply divided U.N. Security Council.

That appears highly unlikely, however, at least in the near future.

Russia and China have vetoed three Western-backed resolutions aimed at pressuring Syrian President Bashar Assad to end the violence and enter negotiations on a political transition, leaving the U.N.'s most powerful body paralyzed in what some diplomats say is the worst crisis since the U.S.-Soviet standoff during the Cold War.

Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff, whose country by tradition is the first to speak, supported the secretary-general, saying: "There is no military solution to the Syrian crisis. Diplomacy and dialogue are not just our best option: they are the only option."

With the Security Council unable to action, the Emir of Qatar, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, said Arab countries should intervene "out of their national, humanitarian, political and military duties and do what is necessary to stop the bloodshed ... in order to guarantee a peaceful transition of power in Syria."

He cited a similar precedent when Arab forces intervened in Lebanon in the mid-1970s to stop the civil war "in a step that proved to be effective and useful."

French President Francois Hollande said almost 30,000 people have died and asked: "How many more deaths will we wait for before we act? How can we let the paralysis of the United Nations to continue?"

"I know one thing is certain, the Syrian regime will never again take its place in the council of nations. It has no future among us," he said.

He called on the United Nations to protect "liberated zones" within Syria and to ensure humanitarian aid to refugees.

Ban also expressed profound concern at continuing violence in Afghanistan and Congo, increasing unrest across west Africa's Sahel region where al-Qaida has made inroads, and the "dangerous impasse" between Israelis and Palestinians that may close the door on the two-state solution.

The "shrill war talk" by Israel in recent weeks, in response to its belief that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, "has been alarming," Ban said, and Tehran's rhetoric threatening Israel's existence is unacceptable.

"Any such attacks would be devastating," he said, reminding the presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and diplomats from the 193 U.N. member states of the need for peaceful solutions and respect for international law.

"Leaders have a responsibility to use their voices to lower tensions instead of raising the temperature and volatility of the moment," he said.

Alluding to the recently circulated amateur video made in the U.S. which attacks Islam and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad, Ban said that "in recent days we have seen hate speech and violent responses that perpetuate a cycle of blind violence."

He lamented that in the world today "too often, divisions are exploited for short-term political gain" and "too many people are ready to take small flames of difference and turn them into a bonfire."

The secretary-general said it's time for responsible political and community leaders and ordinary citizens to speak out.

"The moderate majority should not be a silent majority," Ban said. "It must empower itself, and say to bigots and extremists alike: 'you do not speak for us.'"

Obama urged all leaders "to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism" and join the U.S. in confronting the root causes of the rage across the Muslim world.

He condemned the anti-Muslim video that helped spark the recent attacks, calling it "cruel and disgusting." But he strongly defended the U.S. Constitution's protection of the freedom of expression, "even views that we profoundly disagree with."

Obama was not expected to cross paths with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who addresses the assembly on Wednesday morning, but he did have a message about the country's nuclear program: There is still "time and space" to resolve the dispute over Iran's nuclear ambitions "but that time is not unlimited."

Ahmadinejad insists his country's nuclear program is only for electricity generation and medical research, but the U.S. and Western allies are demanding that Iran open all its facilities to inspectors from the U.N. nuclear agency to prove the intent of its enrichment of uranium.

Obama said a nuclear-armed Iran "would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy" and would also risk triggering a nuclear arms race in the region.

"And that is why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," he said.

Hollande said France is ready to discuss new sanctions against Iran, "not to punish the great Iranian people, but to say to its leaders that enough is enough now, and that it must restart negotiations before it's too late."

The secretary-general hosted a lunch for the more than 120 world leaders ? but Obama skipped it, leaving Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to offer the traditional toast from the host country. She sat at the head table, beside Ban, with the emir of Qatar, the king of Jordan, the grand duke of Luxembourg, and the presidents of Egypt, Indonesia, the Dominican Republic, Liberia, Serbia and Malawi.


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Einstein's brain is now interactive iPad app

This digitized image made from a screen shot of a new iPad app, provided Sept. 24, 2012 by the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago, shows an image of brain tissue from renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. The new application to be released Tuesday, Sept. 25 will allow users to see Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Courtesy the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago)

This digitized image made from a screen shot of a new iPad app, provided Sept. 24, 2012 by the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago, shows an image of brain tissue from renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. The new application to be released Tuesday, Sept. 25 will allow users to see Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Courtesy the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago)

In this Monday, Sept. 24, 2012 photo, Dr. Phillip Epstein, left, and Steve Landers of the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago talk about the new iPad app being released Tuesday, Sept. 25 that allows users to see Albert Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Carla K. Johnson)

This digitized image taken from a screen shot of a new iPad app, provided Sept. 24, 2012 by the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago, shows an image of a portion of the brainstem of renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. The new application to be released Tuesday, Sept. 25 will allow users to see Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/The National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago)

In this Monday, Sept. 24, 2012 photo, Dr. Phillip Epstein, left, and Steve Landers of the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago talk about the new iPad app being released Tuesday, Sept. 25 that allows users to see Albert Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Carla K. Johnson)

(AP) ? The brain that revolutionized physics now can be downloaded as an app for $9.99. But it won't help you win at Angry Birds.

While Albert Einstein's genius isn't included, an exclusive iPad application launched Tuesday promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look.

A medical museum under development in Chicago obtained funding to scan and digitize nearly 350 fragile and priceless slides made from slices of Einstein's brain after his death in 1955. The application will allow researchers and novices to peer into the eccentric Nobel winner's brain as if they were looking through a microscope.

"I can't wait to find out what they'll discover," said Steve Landers, a consultant for the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago who designed the app. "I'd like to think Einstein would have been excited."

After Einstein died, a pathologist named Thomas Harvey performed an autopsy, removing the great man's brain in hopes that future researchers could discover the secrets behind his genius.

Harvey gave samples to researchers and collaborated on a 1999 study published in the Lancet. That study showed a region of Einstein's brain ? the parietal lobe ? was 15 percent wider than normal. The parietal lobe is important to the understanding of math, language and spatial relationships.

The new iPad app may allow researchers to dig even deeper by looking for brain regions where the neurons are more densely connected than normal, said Dr. Phillip Epstein, a Chicago-area neuroscientist and consultant for the museum.

But because the tissue was preserved before modern imaging technology, it may be difficult for scientists to figure out exactly where in Einstein's brain each slide originated. Although the new app organizes the slides into general brain regions, it doesn't map them with precision to an anatomical model.

"They didn't have MRI. We don't have a three-dimensional model of the brain of Einstein, so we don't know where the samples were taken from," said researcher Jacopo Annese of the Brain Observatory at the University of California, San Diego. What's more, the 1-inch-by-3-inch Einstein slides on the app represent only a fraction of the entire brain, Annese said.

Annese has preserved and digitized another famous brain, that of Henry Molaison, who died in 2008 after living for decades with profound amnesia. Known as "H.M." in scientific studies, Molaison participated during his life in research that revealed new insights on learning and memory.

A searchable website with images of more than 2,400 slides of Molaison's entire brain will be available to the public in December, Annese said.

"There will be another Einstein and we'll do it like H.M.," Annese predicted. For now, he said, it's exciting that the Einstein brain tissue has been preserved digitally before the slides deteriorate or become damaged. The app will spark interest in the field of brain research, just because it's Einstein, he said.

"It's a beautiful collection to have opened up to the public," Annese said.

Some may question whether Einstein would have wanted images of his remains sold to non-scientists for $9.99.

"There's been a lot of debate over what Einstein's intentions were," museum board member Jim Paglia said. "We know he didn't want a circus made of his remains. But he understood the value to research and science to study his brain, and we think we've addressed that in a respectful manner."

Paglia said the app could "inspire a whole new generation of neuroscientists."

Proceeds from sales will go to the U.S. Department of Defense's National Museum of Health and Medicine in Silver Spring, Md., and to the Chicago satellite museum, which is set to open in 2015 with interactive exhibits and the museum's digital collections.


AP Medical Writer Carla K. Johnson can be reached at .

Associated Press


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On video, dolphin gives birth to calf in Hawaii (Providence Journal)

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Firm that would buy Nassau's debt is little known

Photo credit: Howard Schnapp | Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano. (March 19, 2012)

The company at the center of a proposed deal to sell off $20 million in Nassau County tax refund debt would be run by a seasoned mortgage investment manager and a recent business school graduate.

Last week, Nassau announced plans for a private investor, RPTF Llc of Uniondale, to pay 18,000 homeowners who have been waiting a year for tax refunds. Nassau would pay the company back over seven...

Content Preview This content is exclusive for Newsday digital access and 7-day home delivery subscribers and Optimum Online? customers.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

US military academy chief visits NDA

Calcutta News.Net Sunday 23rd September, 2012

US Military Academy Superintendent, Lt Gen. David H. Huntoon Jr, visited the National Defence Academy here Sunday.

Received by NDA Deputy Commandant Rear Admiral Anand Iyer, Huntoon later held discussions on several issues with NDA Commandant, Lt. Gen. Ashok Singh.

After a briefing on the various training aspects at the world class infrastructure of the tri-services academy, Huntoon went around its sprawling campus.

The NDA trains cadets from India and 71 cadets from 23 other countries.


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How Real Estate Internet Marketing Can Be Profitable to Your ...

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How Real Estate Internet Marketing Can Be Profitable to Your Business

If you are in the market to help individuals buy and sell homes, you have to be creative in how you promote and advertise properties for sale. The old traditional way of using newspapers to showcase homes can be somewhat effective, but not as effective as it use to be back in the days. Many people have migrated to shopping for everything, including real estate agents and homes on the internet.

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Once you get your website under development or if you already have one, there are a few tips for your real estate internet marketing techniques to be effective for you. Effective, of course would mean driving traffic to your website. What?s even better is being able to drive pre-qualified traffic.

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Anywhere you promote yourself on the internet you always want to have a link going back to your website that will lead people to your listings and give them more information about your real estate company. You can use other media like videos to promote yourself and your services.

Blogs are excellent in establishing yourself as an expert and developing a following. Investing in real estate internet marketing using the proper techniques can payoff big time for your real estate business. The thing to do right now is to take action so it can happen!

Real Estate Internet Marketing [] is what you need if you are a real estate professional interested in getting your website to the top of the search engines. These techniques can effectively get your website ranked quickly and with less time than it would if you didn?t know about them. Yomi A is a freelance writer and writes articles related to Real Estate Internet Marketing [].

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